Ancient MakerSpaces
Ancient MakerSpaces, initially conceived as a digital demonstration space for the annual joint meeting of the AIA-SCS, has subsequently taken on a variety of forms as a day-long workshop at the AIA-SCS meeting, from project demonstrations to lightning talks to moderated panels. The guiding principle and connecting thread is the exploration of digital tools, scholarship, and pedagogy with an eye to interactive learning.
Ancient MakerSpaces has run four times:
Planning, and the call for submissions, for the 2022 edition of Ancient MakerSpaces is currently under way.
A six-person steering committee is responsible for the planning and execution of Ancient MakerSpaces. Members of the steering committee usually serve for two years, with three old members departing and three new members joining each year. The current steering committee members are Aaron Hershkowitz (Institute for Advanced Study), Rachel Starry (University of California, Riverside), Natalie Susmann (College of the Holy Cross), Savannah Bishop (Koç University), Sean Tennant (Union College), and Daniel Libatique (College of the Holy Cross).
You can get in touch with the steering committee by sending an email to ancientmakerspaces [at]