FCLSC (Virtual) Annual Meeting, Jan. 5, 12-2pm CST
December 28, 2020 | Posted by David Ratzan under Conferences and Workshops, News, Professional Development |
The Forum for Classics, Libraries, and Scholarly Communications will be holding its annual meeting on Jan. 5, 12-2pm CST, as part of the AIA/SCS Annual Meeting in Chicago, IL. As with the rest of the meeting, this will be a virtual session on Zoom. The meeting is open and free: you do not need to register with either the SCS or the AIA to attend. Please circulate the agenda to all interested colleagues. The zoom link and password are included in the agenda.
Please address all questions to David Ratzan (david.ratzan@nyu.edu) or Rebecca Stuhr (stuhrreb@pobox.upenn.edu).
The first half of the meeting will be our regular business meeting, including updates on Open Greek and Latin and AncientMaker Spaces.
The second half of the meeting will be given over to a special presentation. All are invited to attend.
The New Normal for Academic Libraries in a Post-Pandemic World (1:00-2:00pm CST)
Presentation by Barbara Rockenbach, University Librarian, Yale University
Response by Simon Neame, Dean of Libraries, UMass Amherst
Barbara Rockenbach will present her view of what lasting changes to academic and research libraries will follow in the wake of the pandemic experience in higher education, with a special focus on the humanities and comparatively small fields, like classics and archaeology. Simon Neame will respond with comments and reflections as to the future of academic libraries at public institutions in a post-pandemic world. The presentations will be followed by Q & A with the presenters.
Good afternoon! Thank you for offering this presentation! For colleagues unable to attend it live, will there be a recording of it?
Thank you so much!
Hi Heather,
We are working on producing a recording and will announce its publication, if it is possible to do so. Thank you for your interest!
David M. Ratzan, Chair
Dear Heather (if I may), There is now a recording posted to our website. Sincerely, David Ratzan
It is also now on YouTube!
Is there a recording of the presentation? Or a transcript? I would definitely like to listen to it again and share it with colleagues.
Hi! There is a recording and I am working with colleagues to edit and publish it. We will announce whether we can publish it and where on this website. Best wishes, David M. Ratzan
Dear Sarada (if I may), There is now a recording posted to our website. Sincerely, David Ratzan
Is there a slide set or other information available?