Category: Tips and Resources
Society Sunday (Jan. 3, 2021) at the AIA Annual Meeting: Digital Archaeology for a Virtual World (panel discussion)
December 29, 2020 | Posted by David Ratzan under Conferences and Workshops, Digital Humanities and Resources, Professional Development, Tips and Resources |
On Jan. 3, 2021 between 4-5pm CST Carolyn Laferrière will moderate a panel discussion about digital archaeology. Hear from team members from Peopling the Past, Digital Hammurabi, and Everyday Orientalism. You may register here: Digital Hammurabi is a public outreach/digital humanities project that aims to provide reliable, accurate information about the Ancient Near East and surrounding areas in an entertaining and engaging fashion. Resources about the Ancient Near East are few and far between, and often filled with misinformation. Digital Hammurabi tries to fill that need through interviews with researchers, and educational videos, as well as self-published books aimed at a non-specialist […] more
June 12, 2020 | Posted by David Ratzan under Conferences and Workshops, News, Tips and Resources |
Reposted from the ISAW Library blog (post by Jasmine Smith) With the spread of Covid-19, institutions related to the study of antiquity are finding new and creative ways to continue to engage with their communities and wider audiences. Most institutions are of course turning to technology to create virtual events and experiences that users can enjoy from wherever they are so long as they have an internet connection. These include virtual conferences, museum exhibits, and even virtual tours of ancient places. The ISAW Library staff have attended various virtual events. For instance, the annual meetings of the Association of Ancient Historians and the American Research […] more
New Titles in Papyrology, Classics, Ancient History, Sanskrit, and East Asian Studies added to the Ancient World Digital Library
June 5, 2020 | Posted by David Ratzan under Tips and Resources |
REPOSTED from the ISAW Library (original post by Jasmine Smith): During this first week of June, nine titles were added to the Ancient World Digital Library including works in papyrology, central Asia, and ancient science. Works under the subject “Ancient Science” can now be browsed by navigating to the “Collections Overview” page and selecting the “Ancient Science” tab. Below is a list of the recently added titles: Isabelle Charleux, Grégory Delaplace, Roberte Hamayon, Scott Pearce, Representing power in ancient Inner Asia, Studies on East Asia, Center for East Asian Studies, Western Washington University Kathleen McNamee, Sigla and select marginalia in Greek literary papyri, Papyrologica Bruxellensia, Fondation Égyptologique Reine […] more
Digital Resources: Alpheios 3.0 now available
October 29, 2019 | Posted by David Ratzan under News, Professional Development, Tips and Resources |
Alpheios 3.0 is now available. Alpheios provides free, open-source software for studying the world’s classical languages and literatures, currently including Latin, Greek, Arabic and Persian. With this release the user interface has been completely refreshed and new features include the Alpheios Toolbar, User Word Lists, Latin Usage Examples and Persistent Options Configuration. Various other small enhancements and bug fixes are included. Full details are available in the release notes as well as a full set of tutorials. Alpheios works on any website in your desktop via the Chrome, Firefox and Safari browser extensions. The new Alpheios Mobile Reader interface provides […] more