Call for proposals
December 17, 2021 | Posted by Megan Daly under Conferences and Workshops |
We are pleased to invite you to submit proposals for FCLSC-supported panels/colloquia related to libraries and scholarly communications at AIA/SCS 2023. Received proposals will be discussed at the FCLSC virtual meeting on January 6 and voted on for further development within an ad hoc FCLSC committee; the winning proposal will finally be submitted to AIA/SCS by March for their consideration.
Interested individuals should send Jeremy Ott ( by January 4 a statement of approximately one page describing their proposed panel/colloquium and its value along with a list of potential speakers (there is no need to contact potential speakers at this time). Topics should relate in some way, or at least be clearly applicable, to the intersection of libraries/scholarly communications and classics/classical archaeology. The duration of the proposed session, including introductions and questions, should be circa two hours. Following a brief presentation of each proposal together with discussion at our January 6 meeting, we will vote on the best proposal to support within the framework of an ad hoc committee which will consist of that proposal’s author and additional FCLSC members. The committee will contact potential speakers, finalize the proposal, and submit it to the SCS, AIA, or both organizations as disciplinarily appropriate.
Please note that all individuals participating within the session must be AIA/SCS members in good standing or belong to a profession not ordinarily associated with classical studies (a publishing editor, for example); an additional exception exists for scholars not based in North America. In most cases participation within the session would count as the single session appearance allowed within the conference program. Detailed information on session requirements is available here (“Colloquium”) for the AIA and here for the SCS.
Please let us know if there are any questions. We hope to have a stimulating mix of proposals to discuss in January!