Article I. Name
The name of this organization shall be the Forum for Classics, Libraries, and Scholarly Communication (Forum).
Article II. Object
The purpose of this organization shall be to unite all persons interested in the intersection between classical studies, libraries, and scholarly communication, in order to promote timely exchange of information and ideas and collaboration in activities of mutual concern. These include but are not limited to: user instruction, collection building, preservation, and electronic publishing. In particular, the Forum shall aim to support relevant initiatives of the Society for Classical Studies (SCS) by working closely with its officers and committees. To this end, the Forum shall maintain status as an affiliated group of the SCS.
Article III. Membership
Sec. 1. Eligibility. – Membership is open to classicists and classical archaeologists at all levels (including school teachers), librarians, publishers, vendors, and anyone else with a serious interest in the Forum’s purpose. Every member has the right to vote and is eligible to hold office.
Sec. 2. Application for Membership. – Interested individuals shall become members upon submitting the following information to the secretary: name, title, institutional affiliation, email address, and phone number.
Sec. 3. Dues. – There are currently no dues, and none are envisioned. In order to avoid dues, the Forum will conduct its various activities as much as possible by email, a website, and other cost-free means.
Article IV. Meetings
Sec. 1. Annual Meetings. – The Forum shall hold an annual business meeting at the time of the annual conference of the SCS. To inclusively support the participation of members who are unable to travel to conferences, all FCLSC business meetings shall be virtual, while other opportunities for FCLSC members to gather in person at SCS shall be encouraged.
Sec. 2. Special Meetings. – Special business meetings of the Forum may be called at the discretion of the Executive Committee or by petition to it from at least five Forum members. All members of the Forum shall receive notification of a special business meeting at least one month prior to the scheduled date of the meeting.
Sec. 3. Quorum. – Members of the Forum present at a business meeting shall constitute a quorum.
Article V. Officers
Sec 1. Officers – The officers of the Forum shall be a chairperson, the immediate past chairperson, and a secretary. No person may hold two offices simultaneously.
Sec 2. Terms. – All officers shall serve for a term of two years, which ends at the adjournment of the pertinent annual meeting. No person may hold the same office for consecutive terms.
Sec. 3. Vacancies – If the office of a member of the Executive Committee becomes vacant, the chairperson shall appoint another member to that office. A vacancy in the office of chairperson shall be filled only by a special election.
Article VI. Executive Committee
Sec. 1. Composition – The Executive Committee shall consist of the chair, the secretary, and the immediate past chair, all of whom shall serve a two-year term. At least one member of the Executive Committee must be a member in good standing of the SCS, in order to apply for renewal of status as an affiliated group.
Sec. 2. Powers and Duties – The Executive Committee shall conduct the business of the Forum during the period between annual meetings. At each annual meeting the chairperson shall report on the work of the Executive Committee, at which time that work shall be subject to review and discussion by the membership of the Forum.
Sec. 3. Meetings – Annual meetings of the Executive Committee shall be held at the time of the annual meeting of the SCS. Special meetings may be called at the discretion of the chairperson or at the request of the two other Executive Committee members. Only members of the Executive Committee may vote at Executive Committee meetings, although all Executive Committee meetings shall be open to all members of the Forum.
Sec. 4. Quorum – A majority of its members constitutes a quorum at any meeting of the Executive Committee.
Article VII. Committees
Sec. 1. Standing Committees – Standing committees to consider matters of concern to the Forum that require continuity of attention may be authorized by the Forum membership at its annual meeting. The size, name, and purpose of a standing committee shall be specified at the time of its authorization. Members of a standing committee shall serve overlapping terms of two years each. In order to set in motion a rotation of committee members, however, some of the initial members of a newly established committee shall be appointed for terms of three years. A member of a committee may be reappointed for a second term and for a third term, but no person shall serve more than six consecutive years on a single committee. The chairperson shall appoint committee members to fill the vacancies due to occur during his/her term as chairperson. The chairperson shall also designate the chairpersons of all committees that will function during his/her term as chairperson of the Forum. Unexpected vacancies on a committee shall be filled by a special appointment made by the chairperson of the Forum. A standing committee may be discontinued by a majority vote of the members present and voting at an annual Forum meeting.
Sec. 2. Special (Ad Hoc) Committees – Special committees for the performance of particular assignments may be appointed at any time by the chairperson after consultation with the other members of the Executive Committee. Such special committees shall be discontinued at the end of the term of the chairperson who appointed them unless extended by the new chairperson. No special committee shall continue to function for more than two years without authorization by the membership of the Forum.
Article VIII. Nominations and Elections
Sec. 1. Nominations – The Executive Committee shall nominate candidates for office. All members of the Forum shall be notified of nominations at least one month prior to the scheduled date of the meeting at which an election is to occur. Nominations from the floor will also be accepted at such meetings.
Sec. 2. Elections – All officers shall be elected at a business meeting of the Forum. For each office, the candidate receiving a plurality of the votes cast shall be elected. In case of a tie vote the successful candidate shall be determined by lot.
Article IX. Amendments
Sec. 1. Proposals – Amendments to these Bylaws may be proposed in writing by the Executive Committee, by a committee appointed specifically for the purpose, or by any five members of the Forum. Proposals shall be filed with the secretary at least three months before the annual meeting.
Sec. 2. Notification – A copy of any proposed amendment to be voted on at the annual meeting shall be emailed by the secretary to each member of the Forum at least thirty days before the annual meeting.
Sec. 3. Voting – An amendment approved by two-thirds of the members present and voting at an annual meeting of the Forum shall be carried.
Article X. General Provisions
Wherever these Bylaws make no specific provisions, the organization and procedures of the Forum shall correspond to those set forth in the SCS’s bylaws.
Article XI. Temporary Provisions
These Bylaws shall take effect upon the adjournment of the meeting at which they are adopted.
[These bylaws were adopted at the Forum’s organizational meeting, January 7, 2005, in Boston, and revised at the Forum’s annual business meeting, January 8, 2023, held virtually in New Orleans.]